Enable Auto Entries / Longs / Shorts

Under 01. Controls. Your first 3 options will help you control when or which direction you want your Auto Trades to take. (Auto trades selected from 02B. Auto Entries).
Enable Auto Entries / Long / Short are the same buttons that appear in your Chart Trader Panel when you enable the Predator.
(Hybrid / Classic Mode).
Enable Auto Functions:

Enable Auto Trades / Auto ON:
This function is used to turn ON / OFF your Auto Trades at any point. With this on, the strategy will take any Auto Entries.
(Requires Auto Longs / Shorts Enabled).
Turning this OFF will PREVENT ALL Auto Entries.
(Manual Entry Buttons will still enter a trade if clicked)
Hint: If you want to automatically turn this off after each entry. Head down to 07. Additional Filters and select ‘Shut Down After Auto Entry’.
This will require you to toggle it back on everytime you enter a trade.

Enable Auto Longs / LONG:
This function is used to toggle ON / OFF your LONG Auto Trades.
⤷ If you want to allow Long trades. Leave it ON (White).
⤷ If you want to PREVENT Long trades. Toggle it OFF (Transparent).

Enable Auto Shorts / SHORT:
This function is used to toggle ON / OFF your SHORT Auto Trades.
⤷ If you want to allow Short trades. Leave it ON (White).
⤷ If you want to PREVENT Short trades. Toggle it OFF (Transparent).
Hint: Toggling both Auto Long and Short off will prevent trades in both directions!