Can I Use Strategy Analyzer? How To Back Test?
Historical back testing is limited and will not provide accurate results on any strategy. It is always recommended to back test your strategy on Market Replay or live on a Sim. However, we are able to show historical results with the Predator.
Last part of this GETTING STARTED video will show how to set up Historical Trades.
⤷ Please note that in order to show historical trades, we must select “Show Historical Trades” from 01. Controls section.
⤷ It is recommended to use High fill resolution. Specially with NinZaRenko(or similar) in order to get more accurate results.
Unselect ‘Show Historical Trades’ and change back to ‘Standard Fill Resolution’ when trading live again!
Get more accurate results on Market Replay.
⤷ Watch this video for how to use
When using Strategy Analyzer, please stick to these rules:
⤷ Stick to ‘Backtest’ mode. Optimizer can easily create hundreds of thousands of iterations and cause issues.
⤷ Select ‘Show Historical Trades’ from 01. Controls.
⤷ Make sure you are connected to LIVE Data.
⤷ Select the Instrument you are back testing.
⤷ Select the Bar Type / Time /Size for the instrument
⤷ Select the Date Range you want to back test
⤷ Custom Signal Entries cannot be used with Analyzer!
Additional Notes if you do not see trades:
⤷ Ensure that you have something in Auto Entries selected.
⤷ Check Time filter or additional Filters
⤷ Check indicators Filters.
⤷ Start on a fresh template and load one thing at a time to understand how each function may affect your strategy.
⤷ This is a Order entry and mangement tool. Just because it has many options, does not mean its a good idea to use them all at the same time. It is meant to be configured in many different ways. Please test what works best for you!