Morning / Afternoon Safety

Morning and Afternoon Safeties are used to prevent trades for a few minutes around these times.
This was specifically implemented for those trading with price based charts like Renko. We tend to get news releases often around these times which can cause sporadic price movement. Often times you may hundreds of candles being printed at the exact same second.
This can cause your strategy to try to enter and exit multiple times and will almost certainly end up with an Order Rejectiong due to this crazy price movement.

As a safeguard for users, the Predator is set with both of these applied as a default. Trading will only be paused for a few minutes at both times.
Hint 1:
Time Based charts don’t necessarily need this safety as the candles take longer to for but it always recommended just incase.
Hint 2:
It is recommended that your NinjaTrader Time Zone and your actual computer Time Zone are in sync to ensure the safety starts at the correct time. Will automatically apply safeties to ANY timezone and convert it to eastern time. But your Ninja and Computer timezones need to match. (You do not have to be in Eastern time as long as your timezones match).