Add Button Customize

Add Customize will have a variety of Add On options for you to choose from. You can select anything from a Manual Entry, Auto Entry and yes even an Auto Entry using your Custom Signals!

Manual Add – This selection leaves the power fully in your hands. You will manually click the Add Buttons on your chart trader panel when you are ready to enter and exit your trades.

The All Entries option means that your Add Button will automatically enter when it detects a valid trade from any option selected within the 02B Auto Entries section. This also includes Auto Entries used inside other Add Buttons.
Alternatively, you can choose a specific Auto Entry you would like to Add with. Anything under 02B Auto Entries is available. You can mix and match if you like as well.
Cancel Auto Add:
⤷ This option limits the amount of bars that can pass after the initial entry before it no longer looks for an Add On entry. By default this is always set at 9999 to always look for an Add On opportunity.
Setup Number:
⤷ This option will allow you to stagger your Auto Add ons. The first Auto Add after your INITIAL entry will be counted as Setup Number 1. The second setup will be SetUp Number 2.
If you want to add with all of your buttons at the same time. Use the same number, otherwise if you want to keep adding as more setups appear, use increasing numbers.

Tick Profit Add
⤷ A highly requested feature. This will add on to your position when it reaches a certain number of Ticks into profit. You can select either a positive or a negative tick amount. A negative tick value is what you would need if you are trading in a DCA Style.
If using a negative tick value your Prevent DCA must be unchecked. If you keep this option selected it will prevent all negative entries from triggering.