Unhandled Exception Error Shuts Down NinjaTrader
If you encounter an Unhandled Exception Error and then NinjaTrader shuts down immediately after trying to enable the Predator. We must ensure that it is being loaded correctly in order to avoid these errors.
Ensure all Strategies are cleared from your control panel before loading a new one! NEVER reuse an old strategy from a previous session!
Loading the Predator on a Chart:
⤷ NEVER right click on your NT8 Control Panel → New Strategy. This will cause an issue when loading the Predator.
⤷ ONLY load it by Right clicking on the CHART → Strategies → Load the Predator → Enable on the control panel.
Loading the Predator on Strategy Analyzer:
⤷ Stick to ‘Backtest’ mode. Optimizer can easily create hundreds of thousands of iterations and cause issues.
⤷ Select ‘Show Historical Trades’ from 01. Controls.
⤷ Make sure you are connected to LIVE Data.
⤷ Select the Instrument you are back testing.
⤷ Select the Bar Type / Time /Size for the instrument
⤷ Select the Date Range you want to back test
⤷ Custom Signal Entries cannot be used with Analyzer!
Examples of these and many more questions can be answered from this video. It is highly recommended to watch it the whole way through!