FILTER Signals – How Do They Work

Filter Signals are used to create Long and/or Short filters that allow your Auto Entries to enter trades. This can be any Auto Entry built in to the Predator or another Custom ENTRY Signal.
Think of the FILTER signals as an ON/OFF switch that will allow or prevent trades from taking place. Anytime you want to allow Long trades, you must turn ON the Long filter. Anytime you want to prevent Long Trades, you must turn OFF the filter. The same is true for Short Filters. It is just an ON/OFF switch.
We will not cover the specifics of how to get a proper TAG for a signal in this section. Please see ‘What Signals Work With The Predator?‘. We will only cover how the Filter Signals work.

In the example above, we are using a modified Trend Magic indicator that prints signals on the chart. Instead of entering trades at these points it switches between Green and Red, we instead change our bias between Long and Short. We then use a Reversal Entry to actuall enter the trade depending on the direction of our Filter.
⤷ On the left side in red after the ‘DOWN’ signal. You can see only bearish Reversals get colored in because our Filter is to the Short side. Making only Short trades valid during this period
⤷ On the Right side after the ‘UP’ Signal. You can see only the bullish Reversals are colored in because our filter is now turned on to the Long side.
It is important to remeber. Just like a light switch. If you turn ON your Filter to one side, you must turn it OFF again when you want to stop taking trades in that bias.
You can turn both ON at the same time and they can both be Turned OFF at the same time.
The second part of this video shows a good example of how Filters work with the Predator.
Filter Validation System:
⤷ Left column is to turn ON your LONG Filter.
⤷ Right column is to turn OFF your LONG Filter.

⤷ Left column is to turn ON your SHORT Filter.
⤷ Right column is to turn OFF your SHORT Filter.

⤷ Will Display what Filters are currently ON or OFF.
⤷ These are also Buttons that can be pushed to manually override the Filters.